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Whistleblowing Policy
Fizlestari Plastic Sdn Bhd (“the Company”) requires directors, officers and employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As employees and representatives of Fizlestari Plastic Sdn Bhd, we must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations in Malaysia.
This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable employees and others to raise serious concerns internally so that the Company can address and correct inappropriate conduct and actions. It is the responsibility of all board members, officers, employees and volunteers to report concerns about violations of the Company’s code of ethics or suspected violations of law or regulations that govern the Company’s operations.
Scope of the Policy
Employee of the Company can disclose any misconduct or criminal offence internally if you have reasonable grounds to believe a person has engaged to the following:
Fraudulent case;
Dishonesty, corruption, bribery, blackmail;
Failure to comply with any legal/regulatory obligation;
Breach of law, rules and regulation; and
Cheating, theft and corruption.
Any other illegal crime conducted in workplace that is not in the list are taking into consideration. The Company relies on its employees maintaining a culture of honest and ethical behavior. Employees are not required to prove the cases but rather to provide sufficient information for the management to take appropriate steps.
The Company will investigate all matters reported under this policy as soon as practicable after the matter has been reported. The Company will investigate the matter and where necessary, appoint an external investigator to assist in conducting the investigation. All investigations will be conducted in a fair, independent and timely manner and all reasonable efforts will be made to preserve confidentiality during the investigation.
Protection of Whistleblowers
The Company is committed to ensuring that any person who makes a disclosure is treated fairly and does not suffer detriment and that confidentiality is preserved in respect of all matters raised under this policy.
All information received will be treated with strictest confidentiality.
This Policy is administered by the Group’s Top Management. Employees and other interested parties are able to report their concerns related to matters covered by the Company's Code of Conduct, legal issues and accounting or audit matters to the following contact person:
Mr. Jason Ang
Contact number: +012-3373866
Please download and fill in the whistleblower report form below and send it to our designated contact person:
Whistleblowing Procedure